The Hero/Heroine's Journey
Welcome to the Journey!
For six months
We anchor into our innermost wisdom
We unearth & transmute hidden & unhealthy beliefs
We create & integrate new ways of being
We become the hero or heroine we were meant to be

Your Path
Are you looking for deep and profound change? This Journey can help you achieve personal and professional transformation. Through our process of self-discovery, you will become conscious of the thoughts, beliefs and actions that drive you. Learn to discard limiting beliefs that hold you back, and anchor into your true Inner Wisdom.
With guidance, you will unlock new possibilities and intentionally create a life you wake up every day excited to live.
When your six months is over you will:
Have the tools to engage fully in life every step of the way.
Trust yourself, and know how to lean into your own ways of knowing.
Leave behind self doubt, blame, resentment, and insecurity.
See more possibilities for yourself than ever before and understand how much choice you have in creating the life you want.
Diving In
Month 1: Tapping into ourselves How do we do it? Where is our inner wisdom located and how do we connect with it? So often it may feel like we are floating in an endless abyss not knowing where we are going, who we are supposed to listen to, which way we are supposed to go or what the best choices are for us. For that matter, what are we actually supposed to be doing? Where are we going? What is this all for? Those are some big contemplations that can mess with our minds from making the smallest choices or trying to decide bigger and better things for our life. How are we supposed to know what to choose at any given moment? We don’t have to be clairvoyant, able to see auras, or hear angels telling us where to go. There’s more to inner wisdom than that, and we all have the capability to lean in, learn to listen, and discern what we need for ourselves. This is just the beginning.
Month 2: Deconstructing our current beliefs Have you ever sat down and contemplated all the things you were taught to believe? Spoken, unspoken, passed down through generations just by observation? Did you know that beliefs both conscious and subconscious/subaware affect how we show up in life? Cognitive Dissonance happens when our inner and outer worlds are out of alignment. It creates a level of stress that wears us down and out. What are your beliefs? How do they show up in our day-to-day? We will begin to excavate the challenges we have faced, where we continue to get “stuck” in life, and how they might be related to those beliefs.
Month 3: Reconstructing our beliefs in alignment with our highest good Here, we begin to create. Here, we make magic, and transform our challenges into gifts of the soul. It’s time to find our true alignment in our inner and outer worlds. We begin to rewrite our beliefs, step out of our limiting beliefs, release the old thought patterns and habits that keep us stuck in old roles, and subscribing to everyone else’s way of being instead of fully standing in our own. Here our inner wisdom starts to become our outer way of being. Hold on to your hat's friends, it only gets better from here!
Month 4: Implementation How do we move forward to make these beliefs part of our day-to-day reality? How do we integrate these thoughts, ideas, and new ways of being into our actual being? We’ll spend time with tools and embodiment exercises to bring this new way of living forward. We’ll begin the heroines journey of showing up in our day-to-day fully in process for the road ahead! We’ll be prepared to make choices that are in full alignment with our inner wisdom.
Month 5: Integration At this point we will have already been through a lot together. Now we ask, what are we noticing? What might we still need? This is a very important next step; how do we resource ourselves when we experience inevitable challenges and setbacks? We create a plan for helping ourselves back to center. Beyond ourselves we have a network of wisdom coming together in this group. If you haven’t experienced it up to this point, this is where you will see the power of connection. Here we lean on one another's curiosity, intellect, experiences, and inner wisdom to assist us in bringing this all together to help us fully see, experience, and embody the hero/herione that we are in our own lives.
Month 6: Celebration! Our journey never truly ends, but celebrating who we are-no matter where we are on our path, or what happens tomorrow-is a vital part of making deep and positive changes in our lives. This isn’t just an eating cake and throwing confetti kind of celebration. This is a seeing the Divine in ourselves and each other kind of celebration. One where we will fully embrace this new wholeness, create a new vision and direction for the future, and honor one another and the community we have built. I write this with much anticipation that there will be so much to celebrate that we won’t want to leave!
In Sacred Connection,
We meet biweekly, alternating between in person and Zoom.
In person Monday evenings 6-8 p.m.
Zoom meetings on Saturday mornings 9-10 a.m.
Monday, January 15, 2024 (6-8 p.m. in person)
Saturday, January 27, 2024 (9 -10 a.m. via zoom)
Monday, February 12, 2024 (6-8 p.m. in person)
Saturday, March 2, 2024 (9-10 a.m. via zoom)
Monday, March 11, 2024 (6-8 p.m. in person)
Saturday, March 30, 2024 (9-10 a.m. via zoom)
Monday, April 8, 2024 (6-8 p.m. in person)
Saturday, April 27, 2024 (9-10 a.m. via zoom)
Monday, May 6, 2024 (6-8 p.m. in person)
Saturday, May 25, 2024 (9-10 a.m. via zoom)
Monday, June 3, 2024 (6-8 p.m. in person)
Saturday, June 22, 2024 (9-10 a.m. via zoom)
Payment Options
20% Discount for paying in full, or choose a monthly payment option!